Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Kicking In

So since the 13th of February, 2013, I've pretty much just goofed around. I've had a few readings here and there, but things have been a breeze academically. Well, now that we're into the second half of the semester, school is somewhat kicking in. I have big papers due soon, and the standards here are much different. We pretty much just have two or three assignments that make up the entire grade for the semester, so I've decided to get a head start on these papers, for the most part. I know I'll be fine, grade wise, but forcing myself to do homework when it is finally cooling down and beautiful outside is a challenge! Oh well, I'm sure I'll find it in myself to crank out these aimless assignments.

To my Witt friends, good luck on finals! You've all worked so hard all semester and I am sure your hard work will pay off in the final stretch. Miss you all!
