Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Trinity Beach

Today I spent the afternoon at Trinity Beach! It is only about a twenty minute bus ride, so it was very easy to get to. Ashleigh and I took the wrong bus so we took the scenic neighborhood route, but it was still cool to see where the locals live. We also saw a lot of school busses on the way. They're really big, coach-style busses. Nothing like our big yellow busses at home!

It was a very overcast day at Trinity Beach and it rained on and off while we were there. None the less, it was so beautiful! If it had been a sunny day, there is no way we would have been able to stay outside for as long as we did because of how intense the sun is down here. We walked along the beach, hiked up to the rocks, and sat there for quite some time just taking in the scenery. The breeze was magnificent and the view did not get old. I could go there everyday and be perfectly content!

Classes have been taking some getting used to, but they're going well so far. I'm not used to video lecture AT ALL, nor do I think I'll get used to it. It's very hard to be engaged while staring at a screen. This weekend we are going on our adventure trip with our IFSA Butler coordinator, so that should be really fun! Overall, things are going well down under.


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