Tuesday, February 19, 2013

AJ Hackett

I WENT BUNGY JUMPING! It was so amazing! I went through a university sponsored event so they bussed us over there and then we did it! AJ Hackett, what the diving place is called, is the name of the guy who founded bungy jumping, and this is one of his "spots." You climb up about 200 stairs, get clipped on, then jump! It is so so so so so fun! I recommend it to everyone! Even people who were standing on the little platform crying before they jumped ended up liking it! All of the pictures and videos done by the professionals were really expensive, so I didn't buy them, but a girl took a video of me jumping and getting ready, so once I have those, I will post them!

PS: Everyone, please keep the Pugliese Family in your thoughts. Thank yoU!