Saturday, February 16, 2013


I'm beginning to get settled into what is my home for the next 4.5 months! It is SO tropical up here. Palm tress are everywhere, and everything is very very lush. Right now, it is 88 degrees but feels like 97. Such a big transition from the cold weather we had in Cleveland! I Have two roommates from the IFSA Butler program who are both really nice. We all get a long fine so there are no big issues. There are a lot of Australians living in the lodge who have been nothing but welcoming and love asking us questions about the states and how we feel about certain things, etc. The only mean people we've encountered are the bus drivers! No matter how polite you are, they're just nasty! Now I realize they drive a huge bus around in circles all day, so it must suck, but come on. Be nice! Last night, our first night out, we went to Downtown Cairns. We went to a club called Gilligans, which was insane. It was three stories and had a lot of outside space with patios and such. It wasn't really my scene but it was a fun way to start out our time here. We start our orientation for James Cook University tomorrow, so we will be meeting more and more people this upcoming week. There are so many names to learn in a short period of time and I can't keep them straight. I definitely feel like a freshman again...moving into the dorm, meeting new people, going to different activities, and playing name games. 2010 throwback!
I haven't really taken any more pictures but when I do, I'll be sure to post them.
Love to everyone back home!

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