Thursday, February 14, 2013


Today, Friday, is our last day in Sydney! We had meetings all morning about our departure tomorrow, and what we can expect at our new "uni." We learned that in Carins, we will see tons of dangerous spiders, snakes, and God knows what else that could literally KILL US. Cool? Scary as shit? Who knows. She also said the geckos come into the bathroom and poop everywhere. MMMMMMM. After the meetings, my FRIEND, (yes, I've made a friend or two) Grace and I explored Sydney. We walked around and did a few errands. Now, we're back in the room reorganizing and packing up for tomorrow. If you can imagine, four college girls in a tiny hostel room is quite a disaster. Tonight, we have a dinner cruise to see all of our orientation friends for the last time until we go to our different schools. It'll be great to be in our home university--living out of a suitcase is getting a little old.

The pictures attached to this blog are from yesterday's adventure to the Featherdale Wildlife Park and our two hour hike in the Blue Mountains. The pictures do not do the mountains justice, but even the pictures are pretty spectacular!

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