Wednesday, February 13, 2013


The flight was not nearly as bad as I was expecting! I was able to sleep on and off for a few hours, watched a movie and a half, and then we landed! I sat in the middle of the middle section on this HUGE double decker plane. It was MASSIVE. I sat next to a girl who's final destination is also Cairns, and a crabby AAA Traveler who was not very nice. Once we got to Sydney, it was full speed ahead.

We met our group coordinators at the airport and they knew us all by name! We took a big bus from the airport to the hostel, which was about a 25 minute drive. It was tempting not to fall asleep. Once we were at the hostel, we kind of settled in, and kind of freshened up. Then, we went to the big meeting area and had some tea, and had an introduction to the program. The coordinators seem really nice and very enthusiastic. After we had a few meetings, we had lunch and got the cell phones figured out. Mine, of course, is not working yet. I'll be calling Verizon shortly, then I'll be able to use Viber etc. After the cell phone ordeal, we went on a THREE HOUR WALKING TOUR. Not only had I not showered since Sunday (it's now Wednesday), I had only a bit of sleep on the plane after being up for 24 hours. Needless to say, none of us were in our prime. We got back from our walk, had a bit of free time, then had dinner. Afterwards, we sat on our rooftop patio at the hostel and enjoyed the view.

The kids in the group are really fun and we're all having a great time. Tomorrow, we are going to Blue Mountain. It is about a two hour journey that we are breaking up by stopping to see some Kangaroos and KOALA BEARS! I am so excited :)

I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day!


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