Monday, February 18, 2013

Vamos A La Playa

After finishing up with orientation shenanigans, a whole different form of shenanigans began! We signed up for a beach trip which ended up being SO FUN (not that I had any doubts)!!!!! A red, double decker bus picked us up outside A1 (main building on campus) with "Party Bus" painted on the front. We got in and lights were flashing and music was blasting. We drove for about 30 minutes and were at the beach! The sand wasn't really like sand, it was more small pebbles. There were also dead "jellies" all along the beach which was kind of frightening. They're not friendly! Even when dead. COMPLETELY changing the topic from the beach to our fingers. My roommate and I both have really swollen hands! Is it from climate change? The heat? The elevation change? They've been this way since getting here. Tomorrow I'm trying something brand new and I can't wait!! 

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