Sunday, February 24, 2013

Green Island!

I had my first Great Barrier Reef experience this weekend! Early Saturday morning, we headed over to the boat terminal (I think that is what it's called..) on a rainy morning. It was not very promising as we boarded the ferry over to Green Island. There was us, the JCU student group, and a huge group from China. They had some impressive camera lenses! I thought Alejandro, my camera, was impressive, but he totally got shut down by all the other big lenses. The ride over was pretty rainy the whole 1.5 hours, but once we got to the island, it started to clear up. We slipped into our VERY attractive one-piece suits (which are NOT called mistake) and went into the water. It was really fun to see the reef! It got really sunny later in the day it we saw some great wildlife! We saw three sea turtles, clown fish, a sting ray, and all kinds of other things. It was great! Some of my friends even saw a shark which sounded so cool. Overall, it was a really exciting day. Even though I had on a ton of sunscreen, still got quite a bit of sun. Today (Sunday) marks my first school night in SO LONG. This break from school has been great, but I sure hope I know how read and write still....fingers crossed.

PS: Blogger isn't allowing me to upload my newest pictures so please click the following link to see pictures from both bungy jumping as well as Green Island!

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