Thursday, February 14, 2013

Blue Mountains

Today was BY FAR one of the best days. Ever. We started out the day really early..on the road by 7:45. We drove about an hour and went to a Wildlife Sanctuary where we pet kangaroos, wallaby, KOALA BEARS and so much more. It was amazing to see all these animals so close and be able to interact with them. Afterwards, we headed towards the Blue Mountains. It is similar to the Grand Canyon, but with much more trees. We hiked down from the top, which took about two hours, then took a tram/cable car back up. It was SO beautiful. It was a lot to take in because it is really sinking in that I'm in AUSTRALIA! After the hike, we went to a tourism center and had a presentation on the Aborigines of Australia. The main message we took away waas that they were happy, simple, and looked out for everyone. The Aborigines survived for thousands of years without all that we have now and were completely ignored by the British. It's too bad because they knew so much about the land, environment, etc. We got back to the hostel at 8 and were to be downstairs by 8:05. We all felt tired and awful, but dinner was close and it was a fun night. We came back, quick showered, and headed out to Sydney nightlife. It was really fun! The first bar we went to was AMAZING. It was on the roof of some fancy building with tons of people. There was a little pool, and tons of fancy people who were much older than us. I have no idea how we got in. We met a few people, but overall, no one was very friendly. We then headed to the bar where we had dinner and it was so fun. Most of the people from our program were there so we had so much fun. We danced like fools and had a great time. Tomorrow, we have a few meetings in the morning and then we have the afternoon free. It has yet to be determined what we are going to do in that time, but I'm sure it'll be a blast! Hope everyone is well back home.
PS I will post pictures tomorrow.

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