Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Well, I've officially had two classes at my new "uni!" My Tourism and Leisure Management was a pretty traditional class. Professor, PowerPoint, etc. The class sounds really interesting and there is a lot more to tourism than I originally thought. How different cultures have different needs is huge when it comes tourism, so there's a lot of Sociology stuff in tourism which is so cool! About half of the class is Chinese students, so it'll be neat to hear their input on tourism and how things work in their region. There is a new arrangement between China and Australia which offers direct flights, so the Chinese community is flooding Australia to see what this awesome country has to offer. Something I found super different in class was the amount of iPad use and cell phone disruptions. In the states, if one cell phone goes off, everyone checks their phone so they are not to be embarrassed. Not the case here! One person's phone went off on three separate occasions in addition to other random noises and chimes throughout the class. I was in shock! I was so close to saying something, but it was the first day and I'm a new girl....awkward.

My class today was Sex Drugs and Human Nature via the Townsville JCU campus, so it was via web cam. IT WAS AWFUL. I have SO much more appreciation for Witt classes today more than ever! We sat there and looked at the projector. This professor spoke in circles and made ZERO sense. The whole class had this dazed look on their face the entire time, so I know I was not the only one feeling that way. Since today was the first day, the lecture didn't go the whole two hours, but I have NO idea how I will sit through that next week. It was awful. I tried to be an active listener, but this man didn't make any sense and no matter how hard I followed along, nothing worked. I looked at Pinterest instead after 45 minutes of confusion. Oops.

Tomorrow, I don't have class! I'll probably end up going to Trinity Beach and do a bit of reading :) Hard life, I know! I'll have tutorials (guided study sessions) starting next week, so I'll be much busier. This week is the equivalent to syllabus week. Hope everyone back home is doing well! Just confirmed housing for SENIOR YEAR! Tiana and I will be back in our lovely abode, so come on by.

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